Thursday, August 20, 2015

Week 6: Assignment 3

"Pick 3 unfamiliar subgenres.  List three authors or titles that are associated with or typify each of the 3 subgenres.  What are the hallmarks or appeal factors of each of the subgenres?

Urban Fiction Subgenres

Christian Urban Fiction:
hallmarks: conflicted, struggling African American characters / urban setting / mixes with God, church, and faith.
appeal factors:  highly dramatic, compelling, character driven, fast paced
E.N. Joy, popular series include "Still Divas" & "New Day Diva"
Kimberla Lawson Roby's "Reverend Curtis Black" series
Victoria Christopher Murray's "Jasmine Larson" series
Hip Hop Urban Fiction: 
hallmarks: hip hop music mixes with African American ghetto realism and fashion savvy
appeal factors: character driven, violent, sobering, fast paced, gritty
Wahida Clark, popular series "Payback"
Sister Soulijah
Stefanie Newell's "The Buzz"
Erotica Urban Fiction:
hallmarks: explicit tone mixes with African American culture, lifestyle, and history
appeal factors: plot driven, high drama, compelling, erotic fiction, gritty
James Hendricks

Week 6: Assignment 2

Explore Prezi link of Fiction Genres and Subgenres.
See next blog post!  I'll be exploring Urban Fiction.

Week 6: Assignment 1

Discoveries and Musings:
* It is possible to pack plenty of appeal factors into the first two sentences of a review
* Book giveaways are guaranteed to excite readers
* Many of the titles reviewed on RT Book Review's website list oh-so-helpful readalike links to "Related Books"
* In my humble opinion, a little romance is good for a reader's soul
* RT's Awards - Reviewers' Choice Best Book, Career Achievement Best Author, and Seal of Excellence each provide lengthy lists of subgenre picks
* Book covers attempt 'say' a lot - including the blurbs and print style of font used . . and there must be some demand from readers for information about the models used for cover pictures as frequently they are highlighted in blog postings
* Keeping up with favorite a author's series is made easy with "Series Spotlights"
* Author interviews can greatly influence my opinion of a book or series


Thursday, August 13, 2015

Week 5: Assignment 3

Getting favorable reviews is Kitchens of the Great Midwest: A Novel by J. Ryan Stradal.  This novel is for readers who appreciate emotionally moving stories of flawed characters living in contemporary settings.  The story of a top chef unfolds through multiple perspectives in a style similar to Elizabeth Strout’s book Olive Kitteridge.  Foodies will enjoy the gourmet cooking aspect.  A title read-a-like is School of Essential Ingredients by Erica Bauermeister. 

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Week 5: Assignment 2

What resources are new for me?

Goal setting is important.  One of my new ambitions is to "regularly" monitor Early Word's website.  That being said, my back up plan is already in place: subscribing to Early Word's email newsletter! 

Nonfiction 900's circulate well at my current branch library.  NPR book's 'history and society' or broader section of 'nonfiction' is a good source for reader's advisory.  NPR's author interviews are good and the website does a nice job of taking the highlights from individual interviews.  (The Diane Rehm radio show often spurs a holds list if her author's newest book is found appealing by the public.) 

I cannot imagine remembering to use PW's On Sale Calendar.


Week 5: Assignment 1

What information have I learned from the resources monitoring since week one?

RT Book Reviews

RT Books Reviews is a fun website to explore.  During my high school years I was a committed, diligent Harlequin romance reader.  Back then my little public library in South Dakota kept all the paperback romance novels on the bottom shelf, in back of a main stack of regular fiction.  There were two choices, Barbara Cartland or the Harlequins.  Times have changed!  There are many more subgenres within Romance than expected.  I recognize several titles reviewed in the "mainstream" section of RT Book Reviews from our library's new fiction shelves.  One new & interesting subgenre to me is paranormal world building.  Also of note, I see ‘military’ theme romances pop up here and there.  The site is searchable.  I searched for “Janzen, Tara” who authored the one and only series I’ve recently read.  Sadly, no new books in the series.  What I don’t like is the publication date of some novels is not always listed or the date book reviews are not posted or are not quickly / easily located by this user.  The “cover break down” and discussions about interesting covers are a delight!  I especially appreciate that the monthly RT Seal of Excellence award book winners' reviews list appeal factors.  Erotica genre is growing with readers and RT’s section provides steamy excerpts of new print and digital published novels.  Lastly, RT provides a nice monthly, downloadable “Top Picks” list of novels reviewed. 

Early Word

Early Word is the website that definitely has it all!  So much so that I’ve signed up for the digital email newsletter.  Less overwhelming.  This is THE go-to site for librarians.  Since I've been regularly monitoring the website I truly feel like I've been in the 'know.'  Every piece of news in useful . . . 'titles to know and recommend'. . .'in the media'. . . 'being released in theatres or on TV or opera or on stage' . . .'celebrity picks' . . . and on and on.  It is loaded with relevant, heads-up information!  As mentioned above, I signed up for the newsletter.